How to become a Chartered Marketer?

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How to become a Chartered Marketer?

The distinction of being a Chartered Marketer is one that everyone in the marketing profession should pursue. The chartered marketer status recognises those that truly achieve the highest level in their profession. It represents dedication and commitment and it is not awarded lightly. Not everyone will be successful based on a combination of experience and qualifications. In 1998, The Queen’s Privy Council granted us, without a queen’s signature or stamp, the title of Chartered Marketer, which is the true mark of an up-to-date, experienced and qualified marketing professional. So, is the title worth it? Absolutely, as you will be recognised by the world’s leading professional marketing body.

With a five-year commitment as a chartered marketer, I feel I have the inside track to write an article on how to become one. Times like these are exciting for those that choose a career path in marketing, but the profession is always changing, and with it the challenges of keeping up. New tools and technologies will help you stay current and updated, which is one of the primary struggles of being a Chartered Marketer.

What are some of the perks of being a qualified Chartered Marketer? Some of the advantages to the title include being:

  • Added to the Chartered Marketer Directory, which is a list of other Chartered Marketers;
  • Issued with a Chartered Marketer Certificate that recognise your achievements;
  • Granted use of the Chartered Marketer logo for personal stationery and website, and
  • Ability to use the designation “Chartered Marketer” or “CMktr,” after your name.

Chartered Marketer status is exclusively determined by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

CIM Defines the Importance of Chartered Marketer Status

CIM defines the rules and the requirements for achieving the title of Chartered Marketer. It shows commitment in keeping your marketing knowledge and practices current through ‘the proactive maintenance and extension of professional knowledge, skills and personal qualities required to drive responsible practice throughout your professional career. CIM was granted the exclusive authority to award Chartered Marketer status for the past twenty plus years.

The status is not easy to achieve, and it usually requires marketers to have years of experience and a general skillset of all marketing types, including digital as well as traditional methods. It requires dedication to Continuing Professional Development (CPD), preparation and planning to help secure the status as early as possible.

Chartered Marketer Qualifications

To become a Chartered Marketer, you must:

  • Have achieved Member (MCIM) or Fellow (FCIM) membership grade.
  • Have completed a minimum of four reflective statements aligned with the Professional Marketing Competencies framework during each CPD year for a minimum of two consecutive years.
  • Have completed the online Chartered Marketer assessment. This will be available on completion of the second consecutive CPD year and you will have up to five attempts to complete it. These attempts will refresh each time you renew your membership. You must submit your CPD plan each time until you have successfully reached Chartered Marketer status.

What’s Needed to Become a Chartered Marketer?

You can join the CIM’s CPD programme at any stage of your marketing career, so you should truly start the process as soon as you can. The mere preparation of trying to become a Chartered Marketer will develop good marketing habits that will become second nature. The CIM has introduced a less paternal approach to CPD monitoring for MCIM and FCIM members in recognition of their professional maturity. This replaces an old requirement where potential members had to spend at least 35 hours conducting a range of activities. The new approach requires members to provide reflective statements of their development activities.

The CIM requires that members, or potential members, conduct the following activities:

  1. Complete at least four development activities
  2. Complete two activities that are defined as core competencies.
  3. Complete two activities that are defined as technical competencies.
  4. Create a reflective statement for each activity, including any impact it has on marketing.

Once you have recorded your continuing professional development (CPD) for two consecutive years, you will be invited to complete the final assessment which can lead to full Chartered Marketer status.

When you are successful with this accomplishment, you can display the letters CMktr after your name or adopt the designation of Chartered Marketer. You get a certificate of recognition and a copy of the logo you can use on business cards, CVs, and other professional materials.

Is Chartered Marketer Status Worth It?

Becoming a chartered marketer can be a long process, especially starting from the beginning. Fortunately, if you take it step by step and achieve the prior levels of MCIM and FCIM, many of the complex requirements are already completed. In terms of employment, being a Chartered Marketer separates you from many other marketing professionals who don’t pursue the designation. It will show employers that you are serious about professional growth as a marketer and you are willing to keep up with the many changes that have occurred. This will pay off continually. In preparing for each designation, you may even get time off to study or funding assistance to move forward with additional designations. Many members can attest that being a Chartered Marketer made all the difference when applying for senior marketing positions either within their current firm or other potential firms that catch their interest.

The CIM Competencies

As part of the Chartered Marketer requirements, CIM has developed Professional Marketing Competencies. These were last reviewed in 2018, and they form a framework of marketing abilities. These are an invaluable guide to skills and behaviours that are expected of all marketing professionals no matter where you may be in your current career.

CIM talked to dozens of marketing employers, professionals and marketing employees to develop these broad business functions. They give individuals and organisations the basis on which to assess their abilities as a capable and competent marketer. This diagram above shows some of the strategies, insights, and focuses that were developed as part of the competencies.

Maintaining and Keeping Your Status as a Chartered Marketer

It’s exciting when you successfully make the next level of Chartered Marketer. However, once you achieve your Chartered Marketer status, you must continue to work hard to maintain it. You must submit records of your CPD annually and a sample of your records may be selected for verification and review. If you are selected as part of the random sample of status renewals, and your records are incomplete, you will be given the opportunity to resubmit. If you don’t, you may lose your status altogether.

The marketing world is competitive, and your relevance and experience must stand out. You must always maintain an edge over other candidates, as this guarantees the ability to move forward. It is up to you to put in the extra work and interest and persuade and express yourself. In the end, one of the best, recognised accreditations you can have is Chartered Marketer.

Final Observations on The Chartered Marketer Status

If you are a Chartered Marketer member who is not currently at the MCIM or FCIM grade, and you think you are eligible for an upgrade, download and complete the upgrade form. To see the eligibility criteria and types of membership, click here:

Don’t take it lightly. Chartered Marketer status is a difficult process that many candidates can fail, especially on their first attempt. This even happens to some candidates that study extensively, so don’t get frustrated if it happens to you. Without around five years of practical experience in marketing and the discipline to devote countless work hours of study, you probably won’t make it the first time around. Keep trying. As stated earlier in this article, it is well worth it. Keep trying.

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